About The Mad Shaman Lodur


I am a commission painter and 3D printer, focusing on display pieces for private collections and centerpieces for Table Top RPG and War Gaming collections.

I started painting models in 1996, with a box of Catachan Jungle Fighters for Warhammer 40K. It quickly went from being about slapping colour on the models to get them on the table to spending countless hours assembling, painting and converting models.

In 2010 I started painting commission pieces for friends in the local WNY area, and produced models that found their way into several tournament finals and broadcast online.

In 2019, I started into the hobby of 3D printing. This allowed me to produce some very amazing busts, figures and conversion pieces from many talented sculptors from around the world. This quickly became a facet of the hobby that I began to adore as much as anything else, as it opened up a whole new world of painting and production.

In 2021 I won the Ogre’s Broken Paintbrush for my Firbolg bust and have been steadily entering more painting competitions to help drive myself to improve my techniques and push myself further.

Painting has become my way of centering and calming myself, thank you for letting me share my work with you.